FAQ Confirmation
How do I register for the program?
A trybooking link will be provided on the confirmation page of our website as well as in the Ebulletin. We will also provide a date for when registration will begin. Please subscribe to our ebulletin so that you will be kept up to date about our Sacramental Programs.
How long do the sessions go for? -
The Confirmation Program will be run online, as that way families are able to look at the talks by Deacon David at their own pace. There are two videos that will be sent out separately. Session 1 and 2 go for about 30-45mins each.
Do I need to watch the sessions with my child?
Yes, one parent MUST watch each video with their child to help them work through their book.
Is there homework? -
Yes, your child will have a workbook to complete. The lessons and activities need to be completed in the book before the review date. A review of your child's work will be held to see how you have helped your child to understand this Sacrament.
How to I collect a book?
When you register for the program you will be asked to select a Mass that you will be attending that weekend and a book will be waiting for you with your child's name on it. If due to serious illness, you cannot attend that Mass, please email sacramentslakes@bbcatholic.org.au to let the coordinator know the next Mass that you will be attending so the book is ready for you. Work books can only be collected at the Mass and both parent and child need to be present.
When do I need to chose my child's Saint's name?
You will need to let us know your child's Saint's name at the time of registration. It is important that the Saint's name chosen by your child has some significance and that your child knows about their chosen Saint.
The following website has information on Saint names and their stories https://mycatholic.life/saints/.
Please ensure to use the Saint's full name, for example St John the Apostle, St Rose of Lima etc.
When do I need to inform you of who my child's sponsor is?
Please let us know who your child's sponsor is at the time of registration. The Sponsor for your Child's Confirmation needs to be fully initiated (Baptised, Confirmed, and receiving Eucharist) and over the age of 16. A parent cannot be a Sponsor.
What should my child wear to the Confirmation Ceremony?
They should dress smartly.
What time should we arrive at the Confirmation Ceremony ?
We would ask that families arrive at least 30 minutes before the ceremony begins so that we can place the children and settle everyone.
How long does the ceremony go for?
About 35 minutes
Any further queries please do not hesitate to contact the Sacraments Team at
Parish Office at 9982 1058 or email sacramentslakes@bbcatholic.org.au