Anointing of the Sick

Is about a person coming to reconcile hope in their illness.

So that the destructive power of their illness

gives way to new Hope and new Possibilities.

Even if death occurs as a final reconciling healing.

We as Christians are called to respond with love in relieving the pain and suffering of the sick. 

St Paul reminds us that when one member of the body of Christ suffers, all members share that suffering. 

All are called to treat the sick with kindness and love, recognising their union in Christ with the suffering member. Moreover, it is good to realise that in the very act of friendship there is already a healing in process. 

Perhaps only a few people have the actual gift of healing, but everyone can contribute in some way to the healing of the sick.

The family and friends of the sick, as well as those who care for the sick, have a special share in the ministry of comfort. They should see themselves as the Church present and caring for those close to them. They have the responsibility and the power to strengthen the sick by their very presence, as well as by comforting them and praying with them. In the case of sickness which keeps a person bedridden or at home for some period of time, the family should consult the priest or a parish minister so that a designated parishioner can visit the sick person and see that the Eucharist is brought to him or her. 

Visitation and care of the sick is an important pastoral duty of the priest and parish community. The parish community is representative of the broader concerned Church. Priest and lay people alike should reach out in love to suffering members of the community and to their families, not least by prayer. Visiting the sick is one of the works of mercy mentioned by Jesus in his portrait of the last judgement, and is identified with a work of mercy done to himself (Matt 25:31-46). 

In case of serious illness, the family should call the priest to celebrate the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. 

We read throughout the gospels of Jesus’ passionate concern not only for the spiritually ill, or sinners, but for the physically sick and the dying. Numerous reports of his healing miracles testify to this concern, a concern which continues through the Church in the sacrament of Anointing. 

Through this sacrament, the Church communicates to the sick person a new strength to bear suffering bravely and even to overcome it. The sacrament ministers to the whole person. While physical health may be restored as a result of the sacrament of Anointing, the true grace of the sacrament works at the spiritual level and raises up the sick in hope and peace. 

The Anointing of The Sick Mass is celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at the 9:30am Mass at the Church of St Joseph - see calendar for latest Mass times.

For more information or to make an appointment call the Parish Office. Phone 9982-1058